Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jealousy or Envy

Destructive criticism exists because of jealousy. Wise people of GOD use their tongues for encouragement. Growth starts within you not around you.

One way to know someone is jealous: he criticizes by what he see, not by what he know.

One way to react with jealousy: pray for the jealous spirits and be thankful for the blessings that others are jealous of. (wise, huh? hahaha!)

Constructive criticism builds up your spirit. Destructive criticism discourages you.

We don't need to be jealous of what our fellow Christians have because we don't have it. We should be encouraged to delight more in the LORD because if GOD delights in you, HE will give you the desires of your heart that are according to HIS Perfect Will. It always depends upon GOD's Perfect Will for you.

Psalm 37:4
"Delight yourself in the LORD
and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Examine yourself. If you are a jealous person right now, submit your spirit to GOD and you will learn to appreciate everything around you.

I am grateful for my parents who instilled a content spirit in us, their children. I can remember how my parents would always give the fair attention and love to each one of us. I was never jealous of what my sisters have or what others have because my mom taught me the spirit of contentment that she has. I thank GOD for the spiritual contentment with the things that I have now. All that matters is eternal life anyway so why worry of what I don't have now. Lay your treasures in heaven not in worldly things. As long as we are pleasing GOD, we should not be jealous of anything that we lack coz GOD is our pure satisfaction.

Let's be happy of what others have if we want others to be happy of what we have.

May GOD satisfy you in all aspects always!

Make an impact. Make a difference. Make a ripple. Tip the scale.




When you feel GOD's love, OVERFLOW!

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