INVEST - to devote time or effort; give qualities or abilities to; to devote morally or psychologically, as to a purpose; commit; to spend or devote for future advantage or benefit
At my sister's congregation, they are very specific and direct when it comes to tithes. That's where I've learned that it's not about the money really. It's about what GOD deserves and HE owns the money anyway. Good thing HE's just asking 10% of the money HE has given to you. Well, in fact, it's all HIS. Also, it's about learning to bless others. GOD gives you favor in all aspects because HE wants you to share it. As I begin to focus more on GOD this year, I have learned on my own about tithes because I've seen the mighty hands of GOD work in my life. Just like today, I've been paid again on time. I have also been learning about being generous and when my sister comes home from Manila, she always brings wise counsels. She seldom speaks but whenever she does, wise counsels come out of her mouth. One morning when Cody, my sister and I were eating at Pancake House, she uttered something about not giving tips (except when service charge is included) is "poverty mentality" and that totally struck me. It never left my mind since then. I have learned to give what is due to them. Our pastor has also shared about this. One of our outreach pastors also spoke to me about how Christians should be showing that GOD is really a GOD of Prosperity. Counsels shared to me that gave me beautiful insights. One of my words for the year is INVEST. Investing doesn't only mean money. It also speaks of your time and effort. You don't have to do big things to be able to show JESUS. Even the smallest things matter and hidden things done are more valuable - in the eyes of GOD. We should be able to show others that JESUS CHRIST truly lives in our lives. INVEST has a huge share when it comes to winning souls.
My sister was asking me to share about Hope or being generous. I find INVEST a more powerful word. I don't know. OCD! hehehe! Whenever I am trying to win a soul (I am focusing on my friends for now), I always speak out loud, "INVEST, INVEST, INVEST" because that's how you shoo the enemy away and how you get your body and mind working, as well by speaking out loud whenever you need a reminder.
Anyway, here is a chance for you to INVEST...
Samsung has a CSR program we call SAMSUNG HOPE!
Samsung chose three equally deserving beneficiaries..
Atriev’s goal is to make a remarkable difference in the lives of visually-impaired individuals through education, enabling them to obtain mainstream employment and similar opportunities.
ATRIEV (Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired) provides post-secondary education for visually-impaired persons through adaptive technology.
ATRIEV’s success comes from its project called Adaptive Technology for Training, Resource and Access Center (ATTRAC). The ATRIEV team provides input and output alternatives for blind users. A screen reader and voice synthesizer give audio feedback that enables the user to execute computer tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, web surfing, E-mail, and programming.
The Don Bosco Foundation is a Non Profit institution of education of the Salesian Congregation of Don Bosco, composed by Salesian religious (priests, brothers and sisters), lay persons and sympathizers of the Salesian work in the Philippines. It was created to support the education of children and youth in need.
The Vision of Don Bosco Foundation is to be a lead institution in the education and promotion of children and youth from poor backgrounds or at risk due to physical or moral dangers. The children and youth must have a place where they can continue their studies until they are ready to face their own future with a skill and better opportunities of employment. In such context our statement is fighting poverty through education.
Knowledge channel foundation’s objective is to deliver quality education to every Filipino student, especially those in rural areas, and to build a nation through television.
These three beneficiaries will be receiving a seed money to aid them in their operations..
But Samsung wants to give them more.. Thus, we need your help in choosing which beneficiary do you want Samsung to reward with an additional amount of money..
All you have to do is log on to <~to make it easy for you, just click on this. While in the website, click the “Add your pledge” button. Choose the country “Philippines”. Then click on the beneficiary you wanna vote for. Do not forget to write your email address when asked for to make your vote count.
Yes, it’s that simple. You don’t have to shell out a penny, you just have to click your mouse.
Let’s bring hope to a world where hope is obscure.
FYI, my sister works at Samsung. You don't even need to share your money. hehehe! You can already help millions of Filipinos by your efforts with clicking your mouse for a couple of times. Ain't that easy and neat? Well, go go go! hehehe! Let's all INVEST! You can also post this in your blog but make a different introduction. hehehe! You can also add their badge/button in your site by just clicking this ~> Do More then copy-paste the code found at the bottom of the page. Please help us help others. Thank you very much, my dear friends!
Make an impact. Make a difference. Make a ripple. Tip the scale.
When you feel GOD's love, OVERFLOW!
At my sister's congregation, they are very specific and direct when it comes to tithes. That's where I've learned that it's not about the money really. It's about what GOD deserves and HE owns the money anyway. Good thing HE's just asking 10% of the money HE has given to you. Well, in fact, it's all HIS. Also, it's about learning to bless others. GOD gives you favor in all aspects because HE wants you to share it. As I begin to focus more on GOD this year, I have learned on my own about tithes because I've seen the mighty hands of GOD work in my life. Just like today, I've been paid again on time. I have also been learning about being generous and when my sister comes home from Manila, she always brings wise counsels. She seldom speaks but whenever she does, wise counsels come out of her mouth. One morning when Cody, my sister and I were eating at Pancake House, she uttered something about not giving tips (except when service charge is included) is "poverty mentality" and that totally struck me. It never left my mind since then. I have learned to give what is due to them. Our pastor has also shared about this. One of our outreach pastors also spoke to me about how Christians should be showing that GOD is really a GOD of Prosperity. Counsels shared to me that gave me beautiful insights. One of my words for the year is INVEST. Investing doesn't only mean money. It also speaks of your time and effort. You don't have to do big things to be able to show JESUS. Even the smallest things matter and hidden things done are more valuable - in the eyes of GOD. We should be able to show others that JESUS CHRIST truly lives in our lives. INVEST has a huge share when it comes to winning souls.
My sister was asking me to share about Hope or being generous. I find INVEST a more powerful word. I don't know. OCD! hehehe! Whenever I am trying to win a soul (I am focusing on my friends for now), I always speak out loud, "INVEST, INVEST, INVEST" because that's how you shoo the enemy away and how you get your body and mind working, as well by speaking out loud whenever you need a reminder.
Anyway, here is a chance for you to INVEST...

Samsung has a CSR program we call SAMSUNG HOPE!
Samsung chose three equally deserving beneficiaries..
Atriev’s goal is to make a remarkable difference in the lives of visually-impaired individuals through education, enabling them to obtain mainstream employment and similar opportunities.
ATRIEV (Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired) provides post-secondary education for visually-impaired persons through adaptive technology.
ATRIEV’s success comes from its project called Adaptive Technology for Training, Resource and Access Center (ATTRAC). The ATRIEV team provides input and output alternatives for blind users. A screen reader and voice synthesizer give audio feedback that enables the user to execute computer tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, web surfing, E-mail, and programming.
The Don Bosco Foundation is a Non Profit institution of education of the Salesian Congregation of Don Bosco, composed by Salesian religious (priests, brothers and sisters), lay persons and sympathizers of the Salesian work in the Philippines. It was created to support the education of children and youth in need.
The Vision of Don Bosco Foundation is to be a lead institution in the education and promotion of children and youth from poor backgrounds or at risk due to physical or moral dangers. The children and youth must have a place where they can continue their studies until they are ready to face their own future with a skill and better opportunities of employment. In such context our statement is fighting poverty through education.
Knowledge channel foundation’s objective is to deliver quality education to every Filipino student, especially those in rural areas, and to build a nation through television.
These three beneficiaries will be receiving a seed money to aid them in their operations..
But Samsung wants to give them more.. Thus, we need your help in choosing which beneficiary do you want Samsung to reward with an additional amount of money..
All you have to do is log on to <~to make it easy for you, just click on this. While in the website, click the “Add your pledge” button. Choose the country “Philippines”. Then click on the beneficiary you wanna vote for. Do not forget to write your email address when asked for to make your vote count.
Yes, it’s that simple. You don’t have to shell out a penny, you just have to click your mouse.
Let’s bring hope to a world where hope is obscure.
FYI, my sister works at Samsung. You don't even need to share your money. hehehe! You can already help millions of Filipinos by your efforts with clicking your mouse for a couple of times. Ain't that easy and neat? Well, go go go! hehehe! Let's all INVEST! You can also post this in your blog but make a different introduction. hehehe! You can also add their badge/button in your site by just clicking this ~> Do More then copy-paste the code found at the bottom of the page. Please help us help others. Thank you very much, my dear friends!
Make an impact. Make a difference. Make a ripple. Tip the scale.
When you feel GOD's love, OVERFLOW!
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