Monday, July 28, 2008

new contact lenses

My contact lenses have expired already. I told my mom about it a week ago since I don't have enough money (no money at all hahaha) to buy a new pair. God is good because til now I'm using them but no infections yet. He is protecting my eyes. I just waited and surrendered the issue to God. I didn't insist on asking my mom about new ones. A few minutes ago, my mom told me to buy a new pair with some of the money she had given me last week. GOD is so faithful. God provides for His servants..His friends..His children! God has granted me a forgiving heart and wisdom that I know I will never get from anyone because apart from GOD, I am nothing!

The image is my old contacts. I will post pics of the new pair soon. hahaha!

Warning: Please do not use expired contact lenses.



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