Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How much is your Heart willing to Believe?

This morning i was pondering about a young girl at the age of 10. Weeks ago, i was given the opportunity to pray over her with a few other girls. i asked for their prayer requests. They all wanted to be at the top of their class. After taking their exams, the young girl's tutor, who is my friend, told me that the girl got a perfect score in 2 of her exams. The girl desired to be prayed over again. Yes we can certainly put much effort in everything we do but this child believed in the power of prayer. She believed in what GOD can do in her life. Last Friday was Teachers' Day here in the school. i am not a teacher but my heart was glad when she gave me a yummy heart-shaped chocolate lollilop with Love printed on it. Just amazing. Beautiful. Childlike faith. Won't you have it, as well?

The young girl's name is Abigail. One of the Bible women that i truly admire. A woman of discernment and humility.


Whenever you pray, how much is your heart willing to believe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa. This is convicting. Sometimes I don't really believe when I pray, but this has reminded me that nothing is impossible with God and that if we ask He will answer. God bless you!!