Thursday, March 13, 2008

We have an amazing GOD!

First testimony, my internet should be gone by March 10 but then, for some reason, I still have it until now. And now I'm actually blogging His goodness. I use the internet for my sermons and more Christian articles to read and help encourage others too. Without the internet, I wouldn't have met someone really special. A real friend.

Second testimony, my lower back has been aching so my mom suggested that I go to my gynecologist to check if I have a Urinary Tract Infection. I waited in line at the clinic for more than 3 hours. After waiting, my gyne told me that I am negative of UTI and that my mattress is free from whatever illness. Plus, to top it off, my gyne didn't ask me to pay anymore. How great is our God!!!

Third testimony, I love trials now. Just that. hehehe!

God bless everyone! He is pouring out blessings so be able to catch them with two hands. Be sure that you're not holding anything coz if you are, you might miss the blessings He has in store for you coz you're so busy holding onto something that is not from Him. Let it go. Be contented in God alone. He is enough. More than enough.

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